Thought leadership
I am an informed opinion leader on the social impact of universities and research. Through my writing and public speaking, I aim to challenge and inspire people with innovative ideas that can be turned into reality and replicated by others.
I am being regularly invited to give keynote speeches at various conferences on higher education policy and research impact. I am a regular contributor to WonkHe, Research Fortnight and THE (Times Higher Education Supplement). I also have had opinion pieces in The Times and The Guardian drawing on my policy research.
In 2021 I published ‘The New Power University’ which aims to challenge conventional thinking about what is the social purpose of higher education in the 21st century. I argue that being able to answer this with clarity and precision is an essential first step in addressing the current – and largely deserved – negative reputation of universities in some parts of the media and broader society.
In 2013, I co-authored a book, ‘The Drugs Don’t Work’, on the global threat of antimicrobial resistance, with the then Chief Medical Office in England, Professor Dame Sally Davies, and an expert in infectious diseases, Prof Mike Catchpole. The book has been translated into Italian and Japanese.
Over the past few years, some of my opinion pieces, blogs and public lectures include:
Conversation with Jonathan Grant, founding Director of Different Angles - podcast, Against the Grain
Should the UK research system aspire to hyperlocal impact? - blog for Wonkhe
In search of a social purpose: (re)discovering the role universities in 21st century society - keynote speech, Engagement Australia 2023 conference
The next 20 years – rediscovering the social purpose of higher education - blog for the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI)
Podcast: Duty of care, franchising, interdisciplinary - podcast, Wonkhe Show
The impact of Hong Kong university research on society - blog for Wonkhe
The radical response to the Nurse review is to sustainably fund the dual support system - blog for Wonkhe
Are universities still "civic washing"? - blog for Wonkhe
Stories before spreadsheets: HE leaders who use community organising methods in developing strategy - blog for Wonkhe.
Global science must steer between hostility and naivety - article for Research Professional News.
Five REF myths to watch out for - blog for Wonkhe.
What is the role of universities in levelling up the UK? - blog for Bennett Institute, Cambridge.
Partnership of equals? - article for Research Professional News.
Book review: The impact of the integrated practitioner in higher education by Emily McIntosh and Diane Nutt - blog for Wonkhe.
Are universities “civic washing”? - blog for Wonkhe.
The post-pandemic future of higher education - blog for Bennett Institute, Cambridge.
Culture, performance and research assessment - blog for Wonkhe.
Build back better. Is it jam tomorrow for science and research? - blog for Wonkhe.
The new power university: Rediscovering the public purpose of higher education in times of uncertainty - webinar for the Centre for Global Higher Education.
Science, Research and the Social Compact - podcast with Tim Cahill, Research Strategies Australia.
Research, the New Frontier - webinar for Interfolio-Researchfish.
Pandemic will reshape how—and why—the UK supports research - article for Research Professional News.
How can we assess the public value of universities? - blog for Wonkhe.
Measuring social impact allows universities to be held accountable - article for THE.
Putting impact in its place - article for Research Professional News.
Voters are willing to compromise on Brexit, politicians should be too - article for The Times Redbox (£).
A bold idea to finally fix the NHS: make it independent - article for The Guardian.
The lessons universities can learn from the horrors of Auschwitz - article for THE.
A positive moment of uncertainty for universities? - blog for Wonkhe.
British public open to compromise on Brexit deal, new research finds - article for The Conversation.
REF changes could have a bad impact on mental health - article for THE (£).
The allocation of scientific grants should be a science - article for THE (£).